VAT Fraud Training in Saudi Arabia
Fight against Tax Evasion and VAT Fraud Training in Saudi Arabia | 1 Day Training on VAT Fraud Training in Saudi Arabia
Tax Evasion and VAT Fraud Training in Saudi Arabia – What it means to you when monitoring VAT Transactions and filing VAT Returns.
We have developed a practical based course (VAT Fraud in Saudi Arabia) using VAT fraud and evasion scenarios to provide assessment/ compliance staff with a learning environment.
This workshop will you the best opportunity to be able to transfer their newly acquired knowledge and skills into the workplace.
All the models and scenarios are designed and delivered from a tax perspective ensuring that staff is able to fully relate to the material and thus increasing their understanding and retention.
We will specifically design and tailor the Model for your Organisation in line with your current practices and legislation.
VAT Fraud in Saudi Arabia
The Model outlines how to make the interview simple and is developed through the following phases:
- Planning and Preparation
- Introduction – Engage and Explain
- Initiate a First Account
- Topic setting – varied and extensive retrieval of information
- Challenges of inconsistencies
- Closure
This training on VAT compliance will help you understand the concept of tax evasion and VAT Fraud and the difference between the two.
Learn the best practices to identify VAT fraud and how to report suspicious activity relating to your customers, vendors. Taxable persons.
Learning Outcomes
- Improved levels of knowledge, planning, and interviewer skills raise effectiveness and save time, with relevant cost benefit
- Raising staff confidence levels, leads to increased job satisfaction and reduced staff turnover
- Improved control of interview contact and content leads to cases containing more relevant details, checkable facts and identified inconsistencies
Why should you Attend
Tax Evasion and Tax Fraud are at the cornerstone of an effective VAT compliance. VAT Fraud Evasion program.
Effective monitoring and proper understanding of the topic are required to accurately describe the transactions on a Suspicious Activity from customers/ vendors/ taxable persons.
This workshop on VAT Fraud Awareness will address the types of transactions and give you examples of how to drill down further to assess those risks.
Course Outline | areas covered in the training on VAT Fraud
- Resources
- What’s the difference?
- Tax Evasion vs Tax Fraud
- Why do I care?
- Definitions
- Why it matters
- Global Tax Evasion
- GCC and Tax Evasion
- Fraud and its Ties to Money Laundering and Terrorism
- Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
- Identity Theft and VAT Fraud in Saudi Arabia
- VAT Fraud in Saudi Arabia : Red Flags
Who Will Benefit:
- Financial Managers
- Accounting staff
- Internal and External Auditors
- Front Line Staff
- Risk Officers
- Operational Managers
Our Indirect Tax Team of experts is available in GCC Region to discuss and bring clarity to the specific challenges that your businesses might face in getting yourself ready for VAT. Please contact our indirect tax executives to learn more.
VAT Consultancy Services
VAT Advisory and Consultancy services are available for GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates
You can either fill the form below and send us your query or send us email.